Overcoming Planetary Ungovernability Now

An Invitation to a UN 2.0

Georgios Zervas Claudio Weiss

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Beschreibung zu „Overcoming Planetary Ungovernability Now“

The authors of this book describe the necessary steps to a substantially new quality of peace, security, and sustainable well-being for humanity in a simple yet convincing way. The action steps they propose are highly visionary and yet extremely realistic in a sense that they can actually create and secure planetary peace, security and sustainable fairness, justice and welfare for all.
The United Nations with the Security Council and other global organizations such as the World Trade Organization were once set up to achieve these goals. Although these organizations represented very valuable progress compared to the previous world situation, they are now in urgent need of appropriate adaptation. They need to be freed from veto rights and generally from too strong an orientation towards national interests - towards the preservation of peace, security and well-being for humanity as a whole.
The Chinese philosopher Zhao Tingyang put it in a nutshell: "World order can only be the order of world sovereignty, guided by the common good of the world." Albert Einstein remarked as early as 1932: "The way to international security is that states unconditionally give up some of their freedom of action or sovereignty, and is should be unquestionable that there is no other way to achieve security."
Do we really need another World War to finally overcome planetary ungovernability at its root in clearly vital matters such as world peace and the preservation of ecosystems? How long do we wait to rethink the concept of national interest politics applied to issues that undeniably have a global, a human dimension, and which can only be managed with concepts to planetary sovereignty and the ability to act in a respectful way to the world?
The authors of this book propose two new UN ministries on the basis of the new principle of global effectiveness through global validity: The "World Peace Ministry" and "The World Trade Ministry".
Today's Security Council should be transformed into a world peace ministry with clear rules for preventive conflict avoidance and a highly effective enforcement capability for effectively ending hot conflicts quickly.
The WTO is to be transformed into a strong world trade ministry, which is to lay down globally binding trade rules and ensure compliance with them with the corresponding sanctions.
The authors explain what both UN 2.0 facilities could look like in detail so that a global public discussion can be held on this basis.


WeQ Institute Horizonte Verlag




ca. 86





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