Herder's conception of "das Volk"

Georgiana Rose Simpson

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Beschreibung zu „Herder's conception of "das Volk"“

In Herder's conception of 'das Volk', Georgiana Rose Simpson delves into the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder's ideas on the concept of 'das Volk' (the people). Simpson explores the intricate details of Herder's theories on nationalism, language, culture, and history, showing how they influenced the development of German identity and the Romantic movement. Using a meticulous scholarly approach, Simpson examines Herder's writings to provide a thorough analysis of his views on the importance of folk culture in shaping national identity. This book is essential for anyone interested in German philosophy, nationalism, and cultural studies. Herder's conception of 'das Volk' is presented with clarity and precision, making it accessible to both newcomers and scholars in the field. Simpson's scholarship offers a comprehensive understanding of Herder's complex ideas, contributing to the ongoing discourse on national identity and cultural heritage. Georgiana Rose Simpson's insightful exploration of Herder's philosophy is a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the roots of contemporary nationalism and cultural identity.


Good Press




ca. 64





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