Thoughts on Religion

George John Romanes Charles Gore

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Beschreibung zu „Thoughts on Religion“

In 'Thoughts on Religion', George John Romanes dives into a thoughtful exploration of the relationships between science and faith. Romanes presents a series of essays that reflect on the theological implications of scientific discoveries and advances in evolutionary theory. His writing style is both eloquent and thought-provoking, blending scientific rigor with philosophical depth. The book, published in the late 19th century, offers a unique perspective on the ongoing debate between religion and science, appealing to readers interested in the intersection of these two domains. Romanes' musings on religion are characterized by a deep intellectual curiosity and a desire to reconcile seemingly conflicting worldviews. His keen insights shed light on the complexities of belief and knowledge, inviting readers to contemplate the nature of faith in a modern context. 'Thoughts on Religion' serves as a valuable contribution to the discourse on spirituality and reason, challenging readers to engage with the profound questions that underlie human existence.


Good Press




ca. 135





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