The Physical Basis of Mind

Being the Second Series of Problems of Life and Mind

George Henry Lewes

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Beschreibung zu „The Physical Basis of Mind“

George Henry Lewes' 'The Physical Basis of Mind' is a groundbreaking exploration of the intersection between science and philosophy in understanding the human brain. Written in a concise and engaging style, Lewes delves into the physical processes underlying mental phenomena, challenging traditional dualistic views of mind and body. Drawing from the latest scientific research of his time, Lewes presents a comprehensive argument for a materialistic understanding of consciousness, setting the stage for future developments in psychology and neuroscience. This influential work bridges the gap between the humanities and the sciences, making it a crucial read for anyone interested in the nature of the mind and consciousness. George Henry Lewes, a prominent Victorian philosopher and literary critic, was known for his interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. His diverse background in literature, science, and philosophy provided him with a unique perspective on the relationship between the mind and the body. 'The Physical Basis of Mind' reflects Lewes' commitment to integrating different fields of study to arrive at a more holistic understanding of human nature. I highly recommend 'The Physical Basis of Mind' to readers seeking a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the connection between the brain and mental processes. Lewes' pioneering work continues to influence contemporary debates on consciousness and remains essential reading for scholars and enthusiasts alike.


Good Press




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