Swansea Murders

Geoff Brookes


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Beschreibung zu „Swansea Murders“

Swansea has a dangerous past. As a seaport, the town confronted the unknown on a daily basis. In this book, we explore the dark underbelly of South Wales; from the dirty, lawless docks to the narrow, festering slums of the alleyways. Little Martha Nash, Claire Phillips, Peter Moitch… all met their sad end within these streets. Even where the town meets the countryside is no safer. It is this idyllic landscape that was home to Muriel Drinkwater and Eleanor Williams, both of whom were tragically killed. Swansea is alive with the memories of its crimes; from unfortunate sailors to jealous husbands and vengeful employees, Geoff Brookes' well researched and compelling book presents a selection of some of the most famous crimes. Each case is analysed and the key facts outlined; some were closed. Many remain unresolved, and their stories linger still. You will never look at Swansea the same way again.


The History Press




ca. 98





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