A Battle of the Books, recorded by an unknown writer for the use of authors and publishers

Gail Hamilton

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Beschreibung zu „A Battle of the Books, recorded by an unknown writer for the use of authors and publishers“

In 'A Battle of the Books,' Gail Hamilton delves into the world of literature and publishing through a series of fictional dialogues and debates between various authors and publishers. This book is an insightful examination of the challenges and conflicts that arise in the world of writing and publishing, offering a unique perspective on the literary landscape of the time. Hamilton's writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, drawing readers into the lively discussions and disagreements that unfold throughout the book. Set within the context of the 19th century literary scene, 'A Battle of the Books' provides a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the publishing industry and the creative minds behind it. Gail Hamilton's keen observations and sharp wit shine through in this illuminating exploration of the literary world. Those interested in the history of literature or the dynamics of the publishing industry will find 'A Battle of the Books' a captivating and informative read.


Good Press




ca. 195





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