George Bernard Shaw

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Hörbuch Sachbuch Biographien & Memoiren

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Beschreibung zu „George Bernard Shaw“

The audiobook traces in some detail Shaw's work as a critic (puritanical opposition to Shakespeare) and as a dramatist. G K Chesterton was ideally placed to write this critical biography of the literary works and political views of George Bernard Shaw. He was a personal friend and yet an ardent opponent of Shaw's progressive socialism. The lightness of tone and the humour of his other works are equally present in his examination of Shaw. The book presents a perceptive and far from dated critique of Shaw's philosophy and politics and through them the emerging progressive orthodoxy of the 20 century. The book represents an excellent introduction to Shaw's work and the spirit of the age in which they were created.

Gelesen von:

Steven Smith


Oregan Publishing




5 Std. 39 Min.





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