The Handbook to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk

G. Christopher Davies

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Beschreibung zu „The Handbook to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk“

In 'The Handbook to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk' by G. Christopher Davies, the reader is taken on a detailed exploration of the waterways in the East of England. Davies combines a mix of travelogue, history, and nature writing to provide a comprehensive guide to the rivers and broads in Norfolk and Suffolk. His descriptive and informative writing style immerses the reader in the beauty and history of the region, making it a must-read for nature enthusiasts and travel lovers alike. The book also offers a unique perspective on the importance of preserving these waterways and the ecological significance they hold. With detailed maps and illustrations, Davies paints a vivid picture of the landscape and its features, making it an engaging read for both locals and tourists. G. Christopher Davies' expertise in the subject matter shines through in this meticulously researched and thought-provoking book. His passion for the rivers and broads of Norfolk & Suffolk is evident, as he delves into their history, conservation, and beauty with unparalleled enthusiasm. Readers looking to explore the hidden gems of East England's waterways will find this handbook to be an invaluable resource. Whether you're planning a trip or simply curious about the region, 'The Handbook to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk' is a captivating read that will leave you inspired to discover the wonders of this unique landscape.


Good Press




ca. 91





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