Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law

Being an Essay Supplemental to (1) 'The English Village Community', (2) 'The Tribal System in Wales'

Frederic Seebohm

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Beschreibung zu „Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law“

Frederic Seebohm's 'Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law' delves into the intricate legal customs and traditions of the Anglo-Saxons. Seebohm provides a detailed analysis of how tribal customs influenced the development of law in the early medieval period, offering insights into the social and cultural context of that time. Written in a scholarly and meticulous style, this book not only explores the legal intricacies of Anglo-Saxon society but also sheds light on the evolution of legal systems. Seebohm's work is a valuable contribution to the field of legal history, providing a comprehensive overview of the role of tribal customs in shaping Anglo-Saxon law. As a respected historian and scholar, Seebohm's expertise in the subject matter is evident throughout the book. 'Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law' is highly recommended for readers interested in legal history, early medieval societies, and the evolution of legal systems.


Good Press




ca. 494





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