Economic Sophisms

Frédéric Bastiat

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Beschreibung zu „Economic Sophisms“

In Frédéric Bastiat's 'Economic Sophisms', the author delves into the economic fallacies that plague society, using satirical wit and logic to dismantle these misconceptions. Written in a clear and concise style, Bastiat presents his arguments against protectionism and government intervention in the economy, advocating for free trade and individual liberty. This book, published in 1848, is a timeless classic that addresses economic issues that are still relevant today, making it a must-read for anyone interested in economics and political philosophy. Through his engaging writing style, Bastiat effectively communicates complex economic concepts to a wide audience, leaving readers with a deeper understanding of the principles of a free market economy. Frédéric Bastiat, a French economist and author, was a prominent advocate for free markets and limited government intervention. As a member of the French Liberal School, Bastiat used his writing to promote economic freedom and to challenge the prevailing economic ideas of his time. His background as a businessman and politician provided him with practical insights that informed his critiques of protectionism and interventionist policies. I highly recommend 'Economic Sophisms' to readers who are interested in economics, political philosophy, and the principles of free market capitalism. Bastiat's insightful analysis and persuasive arguments make this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of economic principles and the importance of individual liberty.


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ca. 249





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