Märchen auf Italienisch, Cappuccetto rosso / Pelle d'asino / La bella e la bestia

Charles Perrault Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont Fratelli Grimm

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Beschreibung zu „Märchen auf Italienisch, Cappuccetto rosso / Pelle d'asino / La bella e la bestia“

Maritim è una delle etichette audio di maggior successo nel mercato tedesco. Qui presentiamo famose fiabe internazionali in italiano.

Über Charles Perrault

The father of the fairy tale as we know it today, 17th-century French author Charles Perrault dedicated the latter part of his life to the betterment and education of his (and all) children through tales of morality. The stories he left behind have since become the cornerstone of fiction and iconic of the fairy tale genre as a whole. From 'Little Red Riding Hood' to 'Puss in Boots', his tales are as essential to the modern consciousness as the very themes they explore.

Gelesen von:

Giovanni Manzini Paola Bianchi Sofia Campanella Salvatore Cavalcanti Massimo Alberoni


Highscore Music




29 Min.





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