Our First Whale (Unabridged)

Frank Thomas Bullen

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Beschreibung zu „Our First Whale (Unabridged)“

Frank Thomas Bullen (April 5 1857 - March 1 1915), British author and novelist, was born of poor parents in Paddington, London, on 5 April 1857, and was educated for a few years at a dame school and Westbourne school, Paddington. At the age of 9, his aunt, who was his guardian, died. He then left school and took up work as an errand boy. In 1869 he went to sea and travelled to all parts of the world in various capacities including that of second mate of the Harbinger and chief mate of the Day Dawn, under Capt. John R. H. Ward jun in 1879 when she was dismasted and disabled.
OUR FIRST WHALE: Simultaneous ideas occurring to several people, or thought transference, whatever one likes to call the phenomenon, is too frequent an occurrence in most of our experience to occasion much surprise.

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Ant Richards


Bookstream Audiobooks




39 Min.





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