The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales

Frank Richard Stockton

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Beschreibung zu „The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales“

Frank Richard Stockton's 'The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales' is a collection of whimsical and imaginative stories that reflect the author's unique storytelling style. Stockton's use of clever wit and unpredictable plot twists sets this book apart from traditional fairy tales, giving readers a refreshing and entertaining experience. Each story is filled with intriguing characters, magical elements, and unexpected endings that will captivate audiences of all ages. This collection is a perfect example of Stockton's ability to blend fantasy with reality in a way that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The book is a prime example of the literary fairy tale genre, showcasing Stockton's creativity and mastery of storytelling techniques. Frank Richard Stockton, known for his contributions to American literature in the late 19th century, drew inspiration from his own vivid imagination and unique perspectives on traditional fairy tales. His background as a journalist and fiction writer allowed him to craft stories that have stood the test of time, appealing to both children and adults alike. 'The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales' is a testament to Stockton's literary talent and enduring legacy in the world of fairy tale literature. Readers who enjoy charming and imaginative fairy tales with a twist will undoubtedly appreciate Frank Richard Stockton's 'The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales.' This collection is a delightful read for those looking to escape into a world of magic and wonder, filled with colorful characters and enchanting adventures. Stockton's ability to blend humor with fantasy makes this book a must-read for anyone seeking a captivating and entertaining literary experience.


Good Press




ca. 160





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