The Comanches

A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry

Frank M. Myers

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Beschreibung zu „The Comanches“

Frank M. Myers' 'The Comanches' is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the history and culture of the Comanche tribe. Through meticulous research and detailed analysis, Myers delves into the origins of the Comanches, their way of life, and their interactions with European settlers. The book is written in a clear and engaging style, making it accessible to both scholars and general readers interested in Native American history. Myers provides a nuanced perspective on the Comanches, highlighting their resilience and adaptability in the face of encroaching colonization. The literary context of the book is rooted in the tradition of ethnographic studies and historical narratives, offering a valuable contribution to the understanding of Indigenous peoples in North America. Frank M. Myers' expertise on the subject shines through in 'The Comanches', making it a must-read for anyone interested in Native American history and culture.


Good Press




ca. 271





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