Jimmie Dale And The Blue Envelope Murder

Frank L. Packard

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Beschreibung zu „Jimmie Dale And The Blue Envelope Murder“

In 'Jimmie Dale And The Blue Envelope Murder' by Frank L. Packard, readers are transported into the thrilling world of mystery and crime. The book follows the adventures of the enigmatic character, Jimmie Dale, as he navigates dangerous situations and solves intricate puzzles. Packard's writing style is engaging and fast-paced, keeping readers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and turns. Set in the early 20th century, the book captures the essence of the era with vivid descriptions and well-developed characters. The Blue Envelope Murder serves as a captivating mystery that will satisfy any lover of detective fiction. Packard's meticulous attention to detail and clever storytelling make this book a standout in the genre. Fans of classic mystery novels will find themselves engrossed in the captivating world of Jimmie Dale and his daring escapades. Frank L. Packard's 'Jimmie Dale And The Blue Envelope Murder' is a must-read for anyone looking for an exciting and immersive mystery novel.


Good Press




ca. 236





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