Hidden Dublin

Deadbeats, Dossers And Decent Skins

Frank Hopkins

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Beschreibung zu „Hidden Dublin“

Criminal incidents, accidents, whippings, beatings, jail escapes and hangings were all part of Dublin's 'brilliant parade' in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, including actors, clergymen, scientists, politicians and rogues and rascals of every hue. Hopkins describes the poverty, soup kitchens, food riots, street beggars and workhouses that were all a feature of Dublin life. He also introduces us to the weird, wonderful, and often downright strange customs and pastimes of Dubliners stretching back to the Middle Ages, such as the 'bearing of balls' annual parade by the city's bachelors and the ritual humiliation of would-be bridegrooms at the bullring.

Über Frank Hopkins

Frank Hopkins grew up in Ringsend and now lives with his family in Rathfarnham. He contributes a twice-weekly piece on Dublin history and characters to the Evening Herald and is the author of Rare Old Dublin, published in 2002 by Marino Books.


Mercier Press




ca. 178





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