Outlines of Zuñi Creation Myths

Frank Hamilton Cushing


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Beschreibung zu „Outlines of Zuñi Creation Myths“

"During the earlier years of my life with the Zuñi Indians of western-central New Mexico, from the autumn of 1879 to the winter of 1881—before access to their country had been rendered easy by the completion of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, —they remained, as regards their social and religious institutions and customs and their modes of thought, if not of daily life, the most archaic of the Pueblo or Aridian peoples. They still continue to be, as they have for centuries been, the most highly developed, yet characteristic and representative of all these people."
Outline of Spanish-zuñi History
Outline of Pristine Zuñi History
Outline of ZuñiMytho-sociologic Organization
The Genesis of the Worlds, or the Beginning of Newness
The Genesis of Men and the Creatures
The Gestation of Men and the Creatures
The Forthcoming From Earth of the Foremost of Men
The Birth From the Sea of the Twain Deliverers of Men
The Birth and Delivery of Men and the Creatures
The Condition of Men When First Into the World of Daylight Born
The Origin of Priests and of Knowledge
The Origin of the Raven and the Macaw, Totems of Winter and Summer
The Origin and Naming of Totem-clans and Creature Kinds, and the Division and Naming of Spaces and Things
The Origin of the Councils of Secrecy or Sacred Brotherhoods
The Hardening of the World, and the First Settlement of Men
The Beginning of the Search for the Middle of the World, and the Second Tarrying of Men
The Learning of War, and the Third Tarrying
The Meeting of the People of Dew, and the Fourth Tarrying
The Generation of the Seed of Seeds, or the Origin of Corn


Madison & Adams Press




ca. 184





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