I want to understand what you really need

Nonviolent Communication with children

Frank Gaschler Gundi Gaschler

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Beschreibung zu „I want to understand what you really need“

I want to understand what you really need
Nonviolent Communication with children The Giraffe's Dream
a project for pre-school institutions

To express annoying things without accusing someone else of doing so. To listen openly even if the other person raises their voice. Using empathy to express yourself authentically in difficult situations and treat your counterparts with respect at the same time.
One of the most successful forms of communication in recent years. Conflict resolution in which everyone is a winner. A guidebook for parents, educators and teachers

The Giraffe's Dream Project

"Mama, we have a baby giraffe in our group!" With these words, Lisa welcomes her mum, when she is picking up her daughter from the kindergarten on Monday afternoon. "She's alone, but we all take care of her."

The teachers of the kindergarten began to implement the Giraffe's Dream . Together with the baby giraffe, the children will learn for the next 10 days the so-called "giraffe language". The aim is to express yourself honestly, by describing what they have seen, to talk about their feelings and needs, and finally express concrete requests.
At the end of the first part of the project, the mother giraffe will come to the kindergarten and will tell the kids of her dream: "In my dream, children will have learned, to say what they need and to hear what the other needs. They look for solutions together, so it all goes well. "
In the following weeks, the teachers work with the kids on empathy and changing the perspective, mediation, conflict solution and living democracy in kindergarten.

In a lot of German and other European kindergartens, the non-violent communication has now become an integral part of the educational concept.

Über Frank Gaschler

Frank Gaschler, geb. 1967, ist zertifizierter Trainer für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (CNVC), Mediator und Sozialpädagoge. Er ist aktiv im Verein Netzwerk Gewaltfreie Kommunikation in München e.V. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Eltern-Kind-Arbeit und an Schulen. Seit 2001 leitet er gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Gundi Gaschler den Kurs Starke Eltern – Starke Kinder® des Deutschen Kinderschutzbundes. Seit 2004 leiten beide Kurse für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation nach Marshall B. Rosenberg u.a. für Eltern, Erzieherinnen und LehrerInnen. Mit dem von Frank Gaschler entwickelten Projekt Giraffentraum® werden wichtige Basiskompetenzen und Förderschwerpunkte der Bildungs- und Erziehungspläne der Bundesländer vermittelt.
Frank Gaschler lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden Töchtern in Hohenlinden bei München.

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