Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa

Frank G. Speck

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Beschreibung zu „Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa“

In Frank G. Speck's 'Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa', readers are taken on a journey through the rich oral traditions of the indigenous peoples of Canada. This meticulously researched collection of myths and folk-lore showcases the cultural heritage and belief systems of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa tribes, providing insights into their spiritual practices and worldviews. Speck's writing style is academic yet accessible, making this book a valuable resource for scholars and general readers alike interested in Native American folklore. The tales included in this volume are presented with cultural context and analysis, shedding light on the significance of storytelling in indigenous communities. Frank G. Speck's work stands as a testament to the importance of preserving and understanding the myths and folk-lore of marginalized indigenous cultures. Readers interested in indigenous spirituality and oral traditions will find this book to be a captivating and enlightening read.


Good Press




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