Mirrikh, or, A Woman from Mars

Francis Worcester Doughty

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Beschreibung zu „Mirrikh, or, A Woman from Mars“

In 'Mirrikh, or, A Woman from Mars' by Francis Worcester Doughty, the reader is immersed in a fantastical tale unlike any other. The book, written in a combination of science fiction and romanticism, follows the story of an otherworldly woman, Mirrikh, who possesses mysterious powers and knowledge. Doughty's literary style is characterized by intricate descriptions and an exploration of themes such as love, identity, and the unknown. Set in the 19th century, the novel reflects the fascination with science fiction and the supernatural prevalent during that time period. The narrative unfolds with a sense of mystery and wonder, keeping the reader engaged from start to finish. Francis Worcester Doughty, a prominent writer of his time, was known for his innovative storytelling and unique perspectives. His interest in the supernatural and the unexplained led him to create 'Mirrikh, or, A Woman from Mars' as a way to delve into the mysteries of the universe and human emotions. Doughty's background in literature and philosophy influenced his writing style, making him a well-respected figure in the literary community. I recommend 'Mirrikh, or, A Woman from Mars' to readers who enjoy a blend of science fiction and romance, as well as those intrigued by the unknown. Doughty's intricate storytelling and thought-provoking themes make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for a captivating and imaginative literary experience.


Good Press




ca. 297





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