New Atlantis

Francis Bacon

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Beschreibung zu „New Atlantis“

Francis Bacon's 'New Atlantis' is a utopian novel that presents a vision of an ideal society governed by scientific principles. Written in a narrative style, the book explores the themes of knowledge, reason, and the pursuit of truth. Bacon's work is considered a pioneering piece of science fiction for its emphasis on the power of technology and scientific experimentation. Set on the fictional island of Bensalem, 'New Atlantis' challenges readers to reconsider the role of science in shaping the future of society. The book also touches on themes of ethics, governance, and the nature of progress. Francis Bacon, a philosopher and statesman, was known for his contributions to the scientific method and empiricism. His background in the natural sciences and political theory influenced the ideas presented in 'New Atlantis'. Bacon's work demonstrates a forward-thinking perspective on the relationship between science and society, making 'New Atlantis' a must-read for those interested in the intersection of literature and philosophy.


Good Press




ca. 45





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