The Vicar of Wrexhill

Frances Milton Trollope

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Beschreibung zu „The Vicar of Wrexhill“

Frances Milton Trollope's 'The Vicar of Wrexhill' is a captivating novel that delves into the complexities of social conventions in 19th-century England. The book's literary style can be described as a blend of social satire and moral storytelling, drawing parallels to the works of renowned authors like Jane Austen. Through a clever narrative, Trollope explores themes of religious hypocrisy, societal expectations, and the clash between morality and ambition. The vivid descriptions and well-developed characters make the story both entertaining and thought-provoking, offering readers a glimpse into the challenges faced by individuals navigating the constraints of their time. Frances Milton Trollope, a prolific writer and social critic, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations to craft this intriguing tale. Her sharp wit and keen insight into human nature shine through in 'The Vicar of Wrexhill,' making it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today. I highly recommend this novel to anyone interested in exploring the intricacies of Victorian society and the timeless themes of morality and ambition.


Good Press




ca. 497





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