
Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Beschreibung zu „Esmeralda“

Frances Hodgson Burnett's 'Esmeralda' is a captivating tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of Victorian England. The novel follows the journey of Esmeralda, a young woman who must navigate the complexities of societal expectations and personal desires. Burnett's eloquent prose and vivid descriptions transport the reader to a world where passion and duty collide, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and relationships. The novel is a prime example of Victorian literature, with its exploration of class distinctions and moral dilemmas. 'Esmeralda' is sure to enthrall readers with its timeless themes and engaging storytelling. Frances Hodgson Burnett, known for her classic works such as 'The Secret Garden' and 'Little Lord Fauntleroy', brings her unique perspective and insightful commentary to this poignant novel. Her own experiences as a prolific writer and keen observer of human nature undoubtedly influenced the creation of 'Esmeralda'. I highly recommend 'Esmeralda' to readers who enjoy beautifully crafted narratives that delve into the complexities of love, society, and personal identity.

Über Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fue una escritora estadounidense de origen británico. Su éxito llegó con la literatura infantil con obras como El pequeño lord (1885) (llevada al cine como El pequeño Lord Fauntleyroy) consolidándose posteriormente con La princesita (1905) y El jardín secreto (1910), completando así su trilogía para niños.


Good Press




ca. 26





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