A Fair Barbarian

Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Beschreibung zu „A Fair Barbarian“

“Pretty, overdressed, jewel-bedecked Octavia Bassett," of Nevada, is one of the most fascinating characters that Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett ever drew. The story of the visit of this dashing young American girl to her father's sister in the staid, respectable, ultra-conservative English village of Slowbridge, and of the consternation which she produced in the society of that place by her frank speech, her dazzling toilets and her unconventional ways, is told with uncommon freshness and spirit in 'A Fair Barbarian’. The sharp contrasts suggested by the presence amid the stiffness and primness of Slowbridge society of this breezy, brilliant, self-possessed young beauty, whose mother was an actress in San Francisco, whose father is a silver mine owner and who has passed a portion of her life in the mining camps of Nevada, are made the most of by Mrs. Burnett.

Über Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fue una escritora estadounidense de origen británico. Su éxito llegó con la literatura infantil con obras como El pequeño lord (1885) (llevada al cine como El pequeño Lord Fauntleyroy) consolidándose posteriormente con La princesita (1905) y El jardín secreto (1910), completando así su trilogía para niños.


Jazzybee Verlag




ca. 124





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