The Fifth Queen Crowned

Ford Madox Ford

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Beschreibung zu „The Fifth Queen Crowned“

In Ford Madox Ford's historical novel, 'The Fifth Queen Crowned,' readers are transported into the court of King Henry VIII, where political intrigue and power struggles reign supreme. Ford's literary style is characterized by rich descriptions, intricate character development, and a keen attention to historical detail, immersing readers in the turbulent world of Tudor England. This novel is a masterful example of historical fiction, blending fact with fiction to create a compelling narrative that brings the past to life. 'The Fifth Queen Crowned' is not only a captivating read but also serves as a valuable insight into the complexities of power dynamics in a royal court setting. Ford's prose and storytelling are sure to captivate both history buffs and fiction lovers alike. With his expertly crafted narrative and deep understanding of the historical context, Ford Madox Ford delivers a gripping tale that will leave readers eagerly turning the pages until the very end.


Good Press




ca. 178





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