Favorite Fairy Tales: From Around the World

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Beschreibung zu „Favorite Fairy Tales: From Around the World“

More than 60 fairytales and legends including both well-known and many that you have probably never heard before:
The story of Prince Ahmed and the fairy Paribanou
Beauty and the Beast
The Black Bull of Norroway
The Red-Etin
The Witch In The Stone Boat
How Isuro the Rabbit Tricked Gudu
The Brown Bear of Norway
The Brownie of Fern Glen (The Brownie of the Lake)
The Golden Beetle or Why the Dog Hates the Cat
The Talking Fish
Lu-San, Daughter of Heaven
The Nodding Tig
The Widow's Son, A Scandinavian Tale
The Wise Girl, A Serbian Story
Oh! A Cossack Story
The Magic Turban, the Magic Sword and the Magic Carpet, A Persian Story
and many others.
Their characteristics include the appearance of fantastic elements in the form of talking animals, magic, witches and giants, knights and heroes.
Your children should be exposed to more interesting and multi-dimensional fairy tales from other countries.


Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing




ca. 609





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