A vagrant wife

Florence Warden

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Beschreibung zu „A vagrant wife“

Florence Warden's novel, 'A Vagrant Wife,' delves into the complexities of marriage and societal expectations in the late 19th century. Written in a gripping and suspenseful style, the book follows the turbulent life of a young woman who marries impulsively and finds herself trapped in a loveless union. Warden's vivid descriptions and keen understanding of human emotions make this novel a compelling read, highlighting the struggles and challenges faced by women of that era. Set against a backdrop of a changing society, 'A Vagrant Wife' offers insight into the gender dynamics and societal norms of the time. The author's ability to create multifaceted characters and intricate plotlines adds depth to the narrative, making it a thought-provoking exploration of personal relationships and social conventions. Florence Warden, a well-known Victorian writer, draws from her own experiences and observations to craft a story that resonates with readers even today. 'A Vagrant Wife' is a must-read for those interested in classic literature and the portrayal of women's lives in historical fiction.


Good Press




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