The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic

Florence Howe Hall

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Beschreibung zu „The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic“

Florence Howe Hall's 'The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic' is a fascinating exploration of the history and significance of the iconic American song. Hall delves into the origins of the Battle Hymn, tracing its evolution and popularity during the Civil War era. With meticulous research and insightful analysis, Hall sheds light on the socio-political context in which the hymn was written, highlighting its impact on American society. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in American history, music, and culture, as it offers a comprehensive look at a pivotal moment in the nation's past. Hall's narrative style is engaging and accessible, making it an enjoyable read for both scholars and general readers alike. Florence Howe Hall's expertise in American history and her passion for music shine through in this captivating exploration of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Her thorough examination of the hymn's origins and legacy provides valuable insight into its enduring relevance in American culture. I highly recommend 'The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic' to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of this timeless piece of American music.


Good Press




ca. 75





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