The Silver Bullet

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Silver Bullet“

Fergus Hume's 'The Silver Bullet' is a gripping mystery novel set in Victorian England. The book follows the story of a young detective who must unravel a complex web of intrigue and deception to solve a seemingly impossible murder case. Hume's writing style is characterized by its careful attention to detail, atmospheric descriptions, and clever plot twists that keep readers guessing until the very end. The novel's literary context reflects the growing popularity of detective fiction in the late 19th century, making it a significant contribution to the genre. Hume's ability to craft a compelling narrative with well-developed characters and a compelling mystery plot makes 'The Silver Bullet' a must-read for fans of classic detective stories. Fergus Hume's background as a lawyer and his interest in crime fiction are evident in the intricately plotted story and the meticulous attention to detail throughout the novel. His unique perspective and expertise in legal matters lend authenticity and depth to the narrative, adding an extra layer of intrigue for readers interested in the complexities of criminal investigation. Overall, 'The Silver Bullet' is a masterfully crafted mystery novel that will captivate readers with its suspenseful storyline and engaging characters.


Good Press




ca. 332





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