The Opal Serpent

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Opal Serpent“

Fergus Hume's 'The Opal Serpent' is a gripping mystery novel set in late 19th-century London, revolving around the discovery of a rare opal with a dark history. Hume's writing is characterized by intricate plot twists, vivid characterizations, and a keen attention to detail that immerses readers in the atmospheric setting. The narrative blends elements of Victorian detective fiction with a touch of Gothic suspense, making it a compelling read for fans of both genres. Hume's skillful storytelling keeps readers guessing until the very end, ensuring a satisfying and suspenseful experience. Fergus Hume, a prolific author in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, drew inspiration from his legal background and interest in the criminal justice system to craft intricate mysteries that captured the imaginations of readers worldwide. 'The Opal Serpent' showcases Hume's ability to weave a complex web of intrigue that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Hume's expertise in crafting suspenseful narratives shines through in this captivating novel, cementing his reputation as a master of the mystery genre. For fans of classic mystery fiction and atmospheric storytelling, 'The Opal Serpent' by Fergus Hume comes highly recommended. With its suspenseful plot, nuanced characters, and evocative setting, this novel is sure to captivate readers looking for a gripping mystery to unravel.


Good Press




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