The Mandarin's Fan

Intrigue and Murder in Colonial Hong Kong

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Mandarin's Fan“

Fergus Hume's 'The Mandarin's Fan' is a gripping murder mystery set in colonial Hong Kong, filled with intrigue, espionage, and political power struggles. The novel showcases Hume's ability to create a suspenseful plot, engaging readers with unexpected twists and turns. Written in a style reminiscent of classic detective fiction, 'The Mandarin's Fan' offers a glimpse into the literary context of the time, where mystery novels were gaining popularity among readers seeking escape and entertainment. Hume's attention to detail and descriptive writing bring the exotic setting of Hong Kong to life, captivating audiences with its vivid imagery and well-developed characters. Fans of classic mystery novels will appreciate Hume's skillful storytelling and intricate plot, making 'The Mandarin's Fan' a must-read for lovers of the genre. Hume's own background as a law clerk likely influenced his interest in writing crime fiction, adding depth and authenticity to the novel's legal and investigative elements.


Good Press




ca. 229





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