The Harlequin Opal

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Harlequin Opal“

Fergus Hume's 'The Harlequin Opal' is a gripping mystery novel that follows the protagonist, Jack Stanmore, as he unravels a complex web of deceit surrounding the mysterious Harlequin Opal. The book is written in a classic detective fiction style, reminiscent of authors like Arthur Conan Doyle and Wilkie Collins, with a focus on intricate plot twists and suspenseful storytelling. Set in late 19th-century England, the novel captures the essence of the Victorian era, providing readers with a rich historical backdrop to the thrilling narrative. Fergus Hume, a prolific writer of detective fiction, drew inspiration from real-life criminal cases and his interest in the inner workings of the human mind to craft 'The Harlequin Opal'. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for creating complex characters, Hume's storytelling prowess shines through in this masterpiece of mystery literature. His meticulous research and dedication to the genre have solidified his place as a pioneer of detective fiction. I highly recommend 'The Harlequin Opal' to readers who enjoy classic detective novels with an engaging plot, well-developed characters, and a touch of Victorian charm. Fergus Hume's expertly crafted tale of intrigue and deception will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.


Good Press




ca. 440





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