My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians

With a Brief Account of General Sully's Indian Expedition in 1864

Fanny Kelly

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Beschreibung zu „My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians“

Fanny Kelly (1845–1904) was a North American pioneer woman captured by the Sioux and freed five months later. She later wrote a book about her experiences called Narrative of My Captivity among the Sioux Indians in 1871. In this books she writes - "I was a member of a small company of emigrants, who were attacked by an overwhelming force of hostile Sioux, which resulted in the death of a large proportion of the party, in my own capture, and a horrible captivity of five months' duration. Of my thrilling adventures and experience during this season of terror and privation, I propose to give a plain, unvarnished narrative, hoping the reader will be more interested in facts concerning the habits, manners, and customs of the Indians, and their treatment of prisoners."


Musaicum Books




ca. 168





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