The Substance of a Dream

F. W. Bain

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Beschreibung zu „The Substance of a Dream“

The Substance of a Dream by F. W. Bain is a thought-provoking novel that delves deep into the complexities of human desire and the nature of reality. Bain employs a poetic and dream-like writing style that adds to the mysterious atmosphere of the story, drawing readers into a world where dreams and reality intersect. Set in a mystical land reminiscent of ancient India, the novel explores themes of love, betrayal, and the search for meaning in a world filled with illusion. F. W. Bain was a British author known for his interest in Eastern philosophy and spirituality, which is reflected in The Substance of a Dream. His fascination with dreams and the subconscious mind likely inspired him to write a story that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, challenging readers to question the nature of their own existence. I highly recommend The Substance of a Dream to readers who enjoy philosophical fiction and are intrigued by the exploration of spiritual themes. Bain's rich imagery and profound insights make this novel a captivating and enlightening read that will linger in the mind long after the final page is turned.


Good Press




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