Via Crucis

A Romance of the Second Crusade

F. Marion Crawford

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Beschreibung zu „Via Crucis“

F. Marion Crawford's novel, 'Via Crucis', takes readers on a journey through the complexities of human nature and spirituality. Set in the Italian countryside, the story follows a young artist who becomes entangled in a web of love, betrayal, and religious fervor. Crawford's rich prose and vivid descriptions immerse the reader in the lush landscape and complex emotional landscape of the characters. The novel's themes of faith, sacrifice, and redemption are explored with sensitivity and depth, making it a compelling and thought-provoking read in the context of late 19th-century literature. Via Crucis stands out for its exploration of moral dilemmas and the human struggle for meaning and connection in a changing world. This novel showcases Crawford's talent for weaving together intricate plots and compelling characters with a keen understanding of the human psyche. Fans of classic literature and spiritual introspection will find 'Via Crucis' to be a rewarding and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 312





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