In Brief Authority

F. Anstey

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Beschreibung zu „In Brief Authority“

In Brief Authority by F. Anstey is a satirical novel that offers a humorous critique of societal norms and conventions. Anstey's witty and clever writing style draws readers into a world where absurdity reigns, and characters navigate through ridiculous situations with ironic humor. Set in late-Victorian England, the novel reflects the era's societal values and class distinctions, while providing a sharp commentary on the limitations of authority and the absurdity of power dynamics. Anstey's adept storytelling keeps readers engaged as he explores themes of power, identity, and the human tendency to manipulate and exploit others. In Brief Authority is a brilliant example of satirical fiction that continues to resonate with modern readers, offering a timeless exploration of human nature and societal constructs. F. Anstey's keen observations and sharp wit make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in satire, humor, and social commentary.


Good Press




ca. 329





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