In the Wars of the Roses

Evelyn Everett-Green


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Beschreibung zu „In the Wars of the Roses“

It was no small act of heroism to which the boy made up his mind in those few moments. Those were lawless days, and human life was held very cheap. The band of fierce men who had believed they were carrying off a prince, would think nothing of running him through with their swords when they discovered how they had been tricked, and that by a mere child. Paul set his teeth hard and braced himself up for the task he had set himself. He knew his peril he realized it too; but he was a soldier's son, and had he not said he would live and die for the prince? Would he ever be worthy of the knighthood every lad looked forward to as the goal of his ambition, if he shrank now from the task he had set himself? Hardly had that resolution been taken before there sprang out from the thick underwood two or three fierce-looking men, armed to the teeth.






ca. 173





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