Girls Who Lie

Eva Björg Ægisdóttir

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Girls Who Lie“

When single mother Maríanna disappears from her home, leaving an apologetic note on the kitchen table, everyone assumes that she's taken her own life . . . until her body is found in the Grábrók lava fields seven months later, clearly the victim of murder. Her neglected 15-year-old daughter Hekla has been placed in foster care, but is her perfect new life hiding something sinister? Fifteen years earlier, a desperate new mother lies in a maternity ward, unable to look at her own child, the start of an odd and broken relationship that leads to a shocking tragedy. Police officer Elma and her colleagues take on the case, which becomes increasingly complex, as the number of suspects grows and new light is shed on Maríanna's past - and the childhood of a girl who never was like the others . . .

Gelesen von:

Diana Croft


Isis Audio




11 Std. 8 Min.





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