The Easiest Way

A Story of Metropolitan Life

Arthur Hornblow Eugene Walter

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Beschreibung zu „The Easiest Way“

In 'The Easiest Way,' editors Eugene Walter and Arthur Hornblow curate a poignant anthology that explores the variegated landscape of human ambition and its often bittersweet consequences. This collection brings together an array of literary styles, from biting satire to poignant drama, all centered around the theme of the pursuit of ease and its multifaceted repercussions. The diversity of narratives offers a rich tapestry that delineates the complexity of choosing the path of least resistance, making it a significant contribution to contemporary literature. The standout pieces in the collection, though varying in tone and approach, collectively underscore the anthology's overarching thematic concerns, without relying on a singular narrative voice or perspective. The backgrounds of Eugene Walter and Arthur Hornblow as seasoned playwrights and critics bring an insightful lens to the selection of works in this anthology. Their combined expertise spans across early to mid-20th-century American theatre, a period rife with exploration of societal norms and individual desires. This historical and cultural milieu is reflected in the collection, aligning with movements that questioned prevailing moralities and the notion of the 'American Dream.' The diverse authorial voices, under Walter and Hornblow's guidance, offer a panoramic view on the consequences of human choices, enriching the reader's understanding of the thematic concerns. 'The Easiest Way' is recommended for readers who yearn to dive into a reflective exploration of life's paradoxes through a multifaceted literary lens. This anthology presents a unique opportunity to appreciate the convergence of different literary styles and themes, all while engaging with the insightful commentaries on the human condition provided by its contributors. It is a must-read for those who cherish the dialogue between historical context and contemporary relevance, offering educational value and a breadth of insights into the enduring quest for simplicity in an inherently complex world.


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