Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems

Eugene Lee-Hamilton

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Beschreibung zu „Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems“

In Eugene Lee-Hamilton's 'Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems', readers are treated to a collection of lyrical verses that delve deep into themes of mythology, nature, and spirituality. Through his eloquent and evocative language, Lee-Hamilton creates a vivid literary landscape that transports the readers to a world where gods and mortals intersect. Drawing inspiration from classical mythology, the poems showcase a mastery of poetic form and a keen attention to detail, making them a delightful read for both lovers of poetry and students of literature. The juxtaposition of beauty and darkness in the verses adds layers of complexity, inviting readers to ponder the deeper meanings behind the seemingly simple words. Eugene Lee-Hamilton's 'Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems' is a timeless work that offers a fresh perspective on ancient tales and a glimpse into the poet's soul. With a deep understanding of human emotions and an exquisite command of language, Lee-Hamilton's poetry leaves a lasting impression on those who seek profound insights and unabashed beauty in literature.


Good Press




ca. 66





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