The First Christmas Tree & Other Christmas Stories

Eugene Field

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Beschreibung zu „The First Christmas Tree & Other Christmas Stories“

Musaicum Books presents the Musaicum Christmas Specials. We have selected the greatest Christmas novels, short stories and fairy tales for this joyful and charming holiday season, for all those who want to keep the spirit of Christmas alive with a heartwarming tale.
Table of Contents:
Christmas Hymn
The Symbol and the Saint
Christmas Eve
Joel's Talk With Santa Claus
The Three Kings of Cologne
The Coming of the Prince
Chrystmasse of Olde
The Mouse and the Moonbeam
Christmas Morning
Mistress Merciless
The First Christmas Tree
Star of the East
Jest 'Fore Christmas

Über Eugene Field

Eugene Field (1850-1895) was a noted author best known for his fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Many of his children's poems were illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Also an American journalist and humorous essay writer, Field was lost to the world at the young age of 45 when he died of a heart attack.


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