They See in Darkness

Ethel Lina White

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Beschreibung zu „They See in Darkness“

In Ethel Lina White's gripping psychological thriller 'They See in Darkness', the reader is drawn into a world of mystery, intrigue, and suspense. The novel explores the themes of deceit and manipulation through the eyes of the enigmatic protagonist, who is faced with a series of inexplicable events that challenge her perception of reality. White's skillful use of suspense and tension keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, as they are taken on a thrilling journey through the dark recesses of the human psyche. The book's narrative style is both haunting and captivating, drawing the reader into a web of lies and secrets that ultimately lead to a shocking climax. 'They See in Darkness' is a shining example of White's talent for creating atmospheric and suspenseful storytelling that continues to captivate readers today.


Good Press




ca. 208





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