Starlight Riders Boxed-Set 50 Western Classics in One Edition

Ernest Haycox

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Beschreibung zu „Starlight Riders Boxed-Set 50 Western Classics in One Edition“

e-artnow presents to you this great western collection containing adventure tales, romance novels and stories inspired by historical events. These tales have an ambiance and milieu of the old West and paint the picture of the West as it really was, with people as they really were. Burnt Creek Stories A Burnt Creek Yuletide Budd Dabbles in Homesteads When Money Went to His Head Stubborn People Prairie Yule False Face Rockbound Honesty Murder on the Frontier Mcquestion Rides Court Day Officer's Choice The Colonel's Daughter Dispatch to the General On Texas Street In Bullhide Canyon Wild Enough When You Carry the Star Other Short Stories At Wolf Creek Tavern Blizzard Camp Born to Conquer Breed of the Frontier Custom of the Country Dead-Man Trail Dolorosa, Here I Come Fourth Son The Last Rodeo The Silver Saddle Things Remembered






ca. 6469





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