German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages

Ernest Belfort Bax

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Beschreibung zu „German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages“

Ernest Belfort Bax's 'German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages' provides a comprehensive and insightful look into the social structure and dynamics of Germany as it transitioned from the Middle Ages to the early modern period. Bax's writing style is erudite and analytical, delving deep into the historical context of the time while offering a critical examination of the societal norms and hierarchies that defined German society. Through detailed research and meticulous analysis, Bax paints a vivid picture of the complex interactions between different social classes and the impact of political and economic changes on the everyday lives of the people. This book serves as a valuable resource for scholars and students interested in German history and the evolution of society during this crucial period. Bax's expertise in the subject matter is evident throughout the book, showcasing his dedication to uncovering the complexities of German society in the Middle Ages. 'German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages' is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of this pivotal era in European history.


Good Press




ca. 163





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