The Best Sci-Fi Novels of Erle Cox

Out of the Silence, Fools' Harvest & The Missing Angel

Erle Cox

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Beschreibung zu „The Best Sci-Fi Novels of Erle Cox“

Enjoy this meticulously edited SF Collection, formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents:
"Out of the Silence" is set in Australia, and involves the discovery of a gigantic, buried sphere, containing the accumulated knowledge of a past civilization.
"Fools' Harvest" – After the World War II Australia is invaded and occupied by the cruel 'Paramount Power' from the Asia. Twenty years later, after long guerilla war and many loses, Australian people are ready to be independent again.
"The Missing Angel" – Tydvil Jones, a chairman of the big firm, is challenged by an ethical dilemma and manages to summons the devil inadvertently. After some convincing and negotiations they struck a deal of soul purchase, bound to take place in three months. Fain to keep some time with Jones, Satan takes the character of smooth and polished gentleman named Nicholas Senior.






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