New History


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Beschreibung zu „New History“

Zosimus' 'New History' is a compelling and intricate account of the decline of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Byzantine Empire. Written in a straightforward and factual style, this work provides a wealth of details regarding key military and political events of the time period, as well as insights into the social and economic factors that contributed to the transformation of the Roman world. With its focus on historical analysis and interpretation, 'New History' stands out as a valuable resource for those interested in late antiquity and the transition from classical to medieval civilization. Zosimus skillfully weaves together primary sources and his own observations to create a vivid picture of this pivotal period. His critical perspective on the actions of emperors and generals adds depth to the narrative and invites readers to reconsider commonly held beliefs about the fall of Rome. Students and scholars of ancient history will find 'New History' a thought-provoking and informative read, shedding new light on a crucial era in Western civilization.


Good Press




ca. 225





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