SAP Business ONE Implementation: LITE

Wolfgang Niefert

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „SAP Business ONE Implementation: LITE“

In Detail

SAP Business ONE brings the power of the SAP ERP platform to small and mid-size companies. It offers fast-growing companies the same ERP capabilities that are used in world-wide conglomerates and major corporations. SAP Business ONE is powerful, and to fully harness it takes careful planning.

This book will provide you with quick tips to implement SAP Business ONE in your business, starting with the basics of installation and configuration. You'll then learn how to utilize dashboards and reports for quick analysis as well as data migration best practices along the way.

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With clear instructions and plenty of screenshots, this book will provide you with the core skills you need to implement SAP Business One in your business. The material has been carefully selected from Packt's fuller 320 page SAP Business ONE Implementation.

Who this book is for

If you are a technically savvy business owner, entrepreneur, or departmental manager who wants to get their small to mid-sized company up and running with the power of an SAP ERP platform, then this book is not to be missed.

No previous experience with SAP or ERP is required.


Packt Publishing




ca. 73





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