The Anti-slavery Harp: A Collection of Songs for Anti-slavery Meetings

William Wells Brown

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Beschreibung zu „The Anti-slavery Harp: A Collection of Songs for Anti-slavery Meetings“

William Wells Brown's 'The Anti-Slavery Harp: A Collection of Songs for Anti-Slavery Meetings' is a powerful and poignant compilation of songs that were used during the abolitionist movement in the mid-19th century. This collection serves as both a historical document and a literary work, providing insight into the emotions and struggles of the anti-slavery activists through the medium of music. The songs included in the book range from mournful ballads to uplifting anthems, reflecting the range of experiences and sentiments surrounding the fight against slavery. Brown's lyrical style is simple yet impactful, making the reader feel the weight of the words and melodies. This book is a treasure trove for those interested in the abolitionist movement and its cultural and artistic expressions. The Anti-Slavery Harp is not only a literary work but a testament to the power of music in social justice movements, reminding readers of the enduring impact of the fight against injustice.


Good Press




ca. 38





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