This book contains70 short storiesfrom 10 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. The stories were carefully selected by the criticAugust Nemo, in a collection that will please theliterature lovers.
For more exciting titles, be sure to check out our 7 Best Short Stories and Essential Novelists collections.
This book contains:
Anthony Hope:
- The Adventure of Lady Ursula.
- AspirationsExplanations.
- A Cut and a Kiss.
- Promising.
- Imagination.
- Uncle John and the Rubies.
- Lucifera.William Pett Ridge:
- Ah Lun's Gift.
- The Alteration in Mr. Kershaw.
- A Brief Comic Opera.
- A Cautious Youth.
- A Conflict of Interests.
- A Determined Young Person.
- Easy Come.Sir Gilbert Parker:
- The Little Bell of Honour.
- The Baron of Beaugard.
- The Singing of the Bees.
- The Marriage of the Miller.
- Mathurin.
- Uncle Jim.
- Parpon the Dwarf.Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford:
- The Mad Lady.
- A Homely Sacrifice.
- Her Eyes Are Doves.
- An Angel in the House.
- Yesterday.
- The Conquering Will.
- The Deacon's Whistle.Elizabeth Garver Jordan:
- Bart Harrington, Genius.
- The Community's Sunbeam.
- Mrs. Mccafferty Explains.
- Motion Study at St. Katharine's.
- Philip's "Furnis Man".
- The Surrender of Professor Seymour.
- Young Love.
R. Austin Freeman:
- The Case of Oscar Brodski.
- A Case of Premeditation.
- The Echo of a Mutiny.
- The Anthropologist at Large.
- The Aluminum Dagger.
- By the Black Deep.
- A Message From The Deep Sea.Alice Duer Miller:
- The Candid Friend.
- A Clash of Sentimentalists.
- Emulation.
- Home Influence.
- Middle Age.
- The Relapse.
- The Respecters of Law.Leonard Merrick:
- Aribaud's Two Wives.
- The Attack in the Rue de la Presse.
- The Doll in the Pink Silk Dress.
- The Elegant de Fronsac.
- Fluffums.
- A Millionaire's Romance.
- The Propriety of Pauline.Ethel Watts Mumford:
- The Arabian Days of Jimmy Jennette.
- The Bells of Cullam .
- The Cordon Bleu of the Sierra.
- The Eyes of the Heart.
- The Fear Motif.
- Her Groove.
- How Beelzebub Came to the Convent.Anne O'Hagan Shinn:
- Bread Eaten in Secret.
- The Courtship of the Boss.
- Emeline Hardacre's Revenge.
- Fate and the Pocketbook.
- Margaret McDonough's Restaurant.
- The Romance at Hollywood College
- Phbe in Politics