
A Story

William Makepeace Thackeray

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Beschreibung zu „Catherine“

In "Catherine," William Makepeace Thackeray delves into the complexities of love and desire, crafting a narrative steeped in irony and social commentary. Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century England, Thackeray employs a rich, satirical prose style that mirrors the frivolous society he critiques. Through the life of Catherine, a spirited and somewhat rebellious young woman, Thackeray explores themes of marriage, fidelity, and the societal expectations placed upon women, making it a pivotal work within the Victorian literary canon that challenges the norms of its time. William Makepeace Thackeray, renowned for his sharp wit and keen observation of social mores, was influenced by his own experiences with love and loss, as well as his dissatisfaction with the societal constraints of his era. As a contemporary of Charles Dickens, Thackeray's works often reflect the complexities of human nature and the class struggles of Victorian society. "Catherine" can be viewed as a personal exploration reminiscent of Thackeray's own romantic misadventures, rendered with both humor and poignant realism. Recommended for readers seeking a nuanced exploration of love and a critique of societal norms, "Catherine" offers a compelling glimpse into the heart of Victorian England. Thackeray's blend of satire and sincerity captivates, making this novel a must-read for anyone interested in the evolution of modern literature and the intricacies of human relationships.

Über William Makepeace Thackeray

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863), in Kalkutta geborener Sohn eines Kolonialbeamten, wuchs nach dem frühen Tod des Vaters in England auf. Zweimal brach er das Jurastudium ab, bereiste Italien, Frankreich und Deutschland und wandte sich dann dem Journalismus zu. Die erfolglose Gründung zweier Zeitschriften und seine Leidenschaft für Pferdewetten und Kartenspiel brachten Thackeray schnell um das ererbte Vermögen. Ab 1837 schrieb er regelmäßig für «Fraser's Magazine» und «Punch», wo in den folgenden Jahren seine Reiseberichte und Romane erschienen. Seinen Durchbruch feierte er 1847/1848 mit «Vanity Fair», dem Roman, der ihn zum ernsthaften Konkurrenten des Publikumslieblings Charles Dickens werden ließ, was die Freundschaft der beiden Autoren nachhaltig trübte.


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